Your Bare Earth Starting Point 🌱

I’ve been saying for months now that I feel like I’m digging {usually acting out literal digging actions with my hands} down to bare soil. Bare earth to plant some new life seeds. So many times I’d feel close — I’d go into action around “starting over” with my website, my trademark/future business, even my day to day offerings — and I’d come up against a “not yet” feeling.

It’s not like an actual voice was saying that I wasn’t ready, and it wasn’t a voice of doubt or shame. It was simply a feeling of nope, there’s more to uncover, more to weed out, more to release. So I’d get back to work, scrubbing my actual and virtual closets like [numerous] inboxes clean, old papers and notes from numerous binders, decluttering of physical but even more importantly, energetic space.

Have you butted up against that before? You’ve been ready to “begin again” and go through the proper decluttering, Marie Kondo-esque processes, and still feel the “not yet”?

What has been reinforced through this recent journey for me is the power of energy. As I was able to fit all of my belonging into the back of a small SUV, possessing the least amount of actual possessions in probably decades, I still didn’t feel clear enough. I still sensed “weeds” in my way. Craving that barest of bare, healthy soil for a foundation, I knew my work wasn’t over yet.

“Life’s a garden: dig it. You gotta make it work for you.”
— Joe Dirt

So I’m now in that final phase, I can feel it in my body that I’m almost there. Those cute but pesky little last weeds trying to take up space/energy, I’m pulling out by the roots. Life really is a garden. And to make it work for you, I think, is the individual responsibility for each of us; this one life, make it yours and I’ll make mine mine.

Where are you now in making your life garden grow? Are you still weeding the big, obvious physical energy-sucks? Have you made it to the tiny, subtle but still there weeds? Are you at the bare soil, ready and waiting for your intentional seeds to take root?

The building steps for anything to grow are sequential and rely on a healthy, stable, open, foundation. Just like a Yoga pose (especially a balancing one), the process requires a base; clear energy for focus; and consistent, however miniscule action.

It’s been quite the practice of Self patience, trusting my unique timing of it all, and being more present than ever. Leaning into the parts of my days that were joyous, positive, “ok”… all helped me stay with this weeding out project.

I’m just about there. It may sound woo-woo but it’s like I can feel the fine, open dirt in my fingers. As I pull the last weeds, I’m also adding daily nourishment of all forms — rest and Self care of all sorts — to be extra ready.

Now, how does your garden grow?



Dark Days, Bright Nights : Happy Solstice ❄️